Corporate – Wellness At Work
Bespoke for your business and fitting in well with an impetus to promote staff well-being – Wellness At Work is a way of kick starting conversations around what makes happier, healthier people. Why is this relevant to you as an Employer –
Recent data from the Office Of National Statistics lists the top 3 reasons for short term sick leave as:
- Minor Illness such as cold, flu or headache
- Musculo-skeletal problems such as back or neck pain
- Stress, anxiety or depression
The CIPD further notes that the most common reasons for long term sickness absence are:
- Stress
- Acute medical conditions
- Mental ill health
Reflexology and Holistic health care can successfully address each of these areas. This is why business owners are increasingly looking to Holistic Health Practitioners to help them to move Employee well-being up their agenda. By pro-actively supporting well-being you can prevent people from going off sick.
Reflexology can:
- Reduce stress
- Boost immunity and prevent minor illnesses
- Treat chronic conditions
- Ease depression and anxiety
- Increase concentration and productivity
- Increase morale
- Help with work related ailments such as back, neck and shoulder pain or stress headaches
Improved awareness of Holistic Health can:
Ensure people have a healthier approach to life. This is crucial both physically and mentally in that minor illness is reduced and more serious illness is recognised and treated before it becomes chronic.
Wise Sole Reflexology can deliver :
- Bespoke Holistic Health workshops for your staff
- One to One consultations and treatments
- Continued support for staff in times of increased stress
As the needs of each company are different please get in touch to discuss how I can help you have an positive impact on your employees well-being.
As a charity who works with vulnerable people we understand how important it is to support our staff’s mental and physical health and well-being. Having held workshops in the past on stress, the staff Health Committee decided that they would like to explore some alternative therapies. Jenny from Wise Sole came and delivered a session that was both informative, practical and interactive on general alternative therapies but mainly on Reflexology and how it can help in so many areas of people’s lives. Much of what she said resonated with the staff and they are still talking about how ‘true’ everything she said was and the tips that she gave them. Some have begun reflexology in their own areas but across the staff team nearly everyone is taking some of the BACH Remedies recommended by Jenny. This was a fantastic workshop that has gotten staff not only talking but thinking about alternative therapies and how they can help. Money well spent.
Alison Mc Nulty CEO TinyLife